With the "create box" tool you place stationary boxes in the world. By placing large boxes you can test and sketch rough layouts. Smaller boxes allow you to build custom fixtures and further detail your layout.
Menu > Tools > Create Box
- Point with the pointer to a free area on the floor or a box.
- Use the thumb functions (touchpad or joystick) to set the dimensions of the base surface.
- Click with the trigger to position the footprint.
- Raise the box by moving your controller in height.
- Click the trigger again to finish building the box.
Thumb functions
Use the touchpad/joystick to adjust the size of the footprint before and while placing the box in the world.
- Precision mode:
You can place the box more precisely and adjust its height if you hold down the trigger instead of just clicking briefly. - Alignment:
You can change the orientation of the surface by rotating it with your wrist. - Cancel:
Point with the pointer in a different direction and then press the trigger. - Set up base area:
Lightly tap the touchpad twice to reset the base or copy the area of a box you are pointing to with the pointer. - Collision:
Boxes must not collide with other boxes during creation. - With the "rename" tool you can give the box a name