The Adjust function lets you select, resize, rotate, and duplicate elements in the scene.
Context Menu > Adjust
Click on one or more boxes with the Select tool.
First select Adjust in the context menu.
Then select the Move, Resize or Rotate functions.
Depending on the mode, different handles appear on the object, so-called gizmos.
Point to a gizmo with the pointer and hold down the trigger to move or rotate it.
You can use the gizmos with any tool, just point at them.
With the multiple selection, you can also change several boxes at the same time.
Functions on the touchpad
Move and duplicate
Touch the object directly by clicking one or more boxes with the pointer to move it freely in all directions.
Grab an arrow to move the object only in this axis.
Touch the plus to duplicate the object in one axis.
Grab an arrow to rotate the object around this axis.
Touch either the sphere or the face of the object to resize it in the respective direction. Make sure that only boxes with the same rotation are selected.
Resize group
You can resize an entire object by selecting a single group and setting the adjust tool to "Resize".
When you drag a sphere, an area appears in the centre. All objects touching this area will be scaled, all other objects in the group will only be moved. This allows you to scale symmetrical objects such as tables or shelves without distorting their legs.
- Objects in the middle are always scaled. Try not to place objects in the middle of objects that you want to scale freely. Try to place objects slightly offset or use the edit groups function to correct mistakes afterwards.
- Rotated objects: The faces of the objects should be orthogonal to the direction of resizing.
- Only boxes are resized. All elements that cannot be enlarged in any other way remain excluded from resizing. This applies to load carriers, tools, avatars and imported CAD data.
Additional functions
World coordinates
Choose "World coordinates" if you want to edit the selected object in relation to the world coordinate system.
Adjust remotely
Select "Adjust remotely" if you want to manipulate distant, very large or very small elements. The different handles are then displayed detached from the object on the control in front of you.
Align Rotation
Open the properties window via the gear icon in the context menu. There you will see the current rotation value of the object, behind which you will find the “Align rotation” button. Use this if you want to realign an object at right angles to the world. This button is only active if you have selected a single rotated object or a group.
Overcoming large distances (with touchpad function "Move"): Hold an object while teleporting to "take" it with you.
In the settings window you can set the size of the steps in which you can move, rotate and zoom in on objects.