The desktop replay window allows you to control motion recording in Halocline Performance not just in VR, but also from the desktop. This feature serves as an interaction point for a second person in addition to the user in VR.
Before you start replay from the desktop, load a recording in VR and set the visualization you want. How to do this can be read in the article here.
Open the desktop replay on your PC by clicking on the replay window icon at the top. This appears at the bottom of your screen. Here you can select and control recordings.
Desktop replay options
- With Play / Break you can play and stop the playback.
- Click on the time marker to drag the replay to a specific point in time.
- The current time is displayed at the beginning of the timeline and the maximum time at the end of the timeline.
- The triangular boundary markers limit the recording and can also be moved by clicking and holding. By moving the boundary markers, you can reduce the view of the replay and visualizations.
- The continuous loop function plays the area delimited by the boundary markers over and over again from the beginning.
- The "faster" and "slower" buttons increase or slow down the speed of playback.
- Click to open the list of all recordings. Here you can switch to a new recording.
The changes made on the desktop and in VR are updated and transferred simultaneously. This enables collaboration and joint communication.
Use the free camera to get a good view of the selected shot from the desktop.
Use the marker arrow to set markers for the VR user.