From the perspective of layout planning, most objects are planned as bounding boxes. A bounding box is the smallest rectangle that encompasses all parts of an object.
Sometimes, an object doesn't need to block as much space, for example, if it is L-shaped. In such cases, it is represented by multiple bounding boxes.
At Halocline, we use this method to focus on abstraction through boxes. This approach helps you work faster and prevents you from getting lost in details. It is recommended for rough planning, where for example a table can be represented by a single box. In detailed planning, workstations are depicted in more detail, but only to the extent that it makes a significant difference in the planning process.
However, there are situations where rounding objects in the planning makes a difference. In such cases, you can approximierte rounded objects from boxes.
In most cases, rounded geometries can be well represented by four offset rectangles:
- Position the first rectangle straight.
- Create a duplicate and rotate it by 45°.
- Duplicate the first rectangle two more times:
- Rotate the first duplicate by 20° to the left.
- Rotate the second duplicate by 20° to the right (starting from the straight position).
If you need higher resolution, repeat step 3 with smaller angle increments, e.g., with 10° and then 20°.
WARNING: A finer resolution is not recommended, as it can lead to performance issues!