With almost any headset, it is possible to operate the Windows desktop without taking off the headset first. In this view, you control the mouse with the controller. This is particularly useful in the following situations:
Use cases
- Switching between shopfloors: If you want to switch from one shopfloor to another, you can do this conveniently via the desktop view. With the control from VR, you can do this directly in VR.
- Switch between Assembly and Layout & Performance: It is also easy to switch between different product areas such as Assembly and Layout & Performance via the desktop view.
Different options depending on the headset
The option to use the desktop from the VR environment varies depending on the headset. Check the settings of your headset to activate the corresponding option.
Follow these steps to use the desktop view in Halocline efficiently and to make it easier to navigate between different areas.
For Meta Quest headsets, please proceed as follows:
- Press the ‘Oculus’ button on the right controller. This will open the ‘Quest Link Overlay’.
- In the overlay, press the ‘Monitor’ button. If you have more than one monitor connected, you can also change them here.
Warning: If your computer has more than one graphics card (e.g. almost all laptops still have an integrated graphics card), you or your IT department will need to take additional steps to enable this option. As long as they are not done, you will only see the black screen in VR.
- Go to ‘Windows settings’ -> ‘System’ -> ‘Display’ -> ‘Graphics’
- Under ‘Add an App’ click on ‘Browse’ and copy this path:
C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-runtime\OVRServer_x64.exe - This will add a new item to the list. Click on the ‘Options’ for this element.
Set ‘Power Saving’ as the active option and press ‘Save’.
Restart the Meta Quest Link app.
From now on, the screens will be displayed correctly in VR.