A shopfloor represents a complete factory hall, a part of a hall or even a floor of it. This shopfloor is subdivided into different work areas (e.g. division by segments, production lines, cost center) and again in several variants, as a comparison level of your elaboration.
Structuring tips:
It makes sense to create a complete factory floor as a shopfloor, if it has only one floor, for example, or if there are dependencies between (work) areas.
If your hall consists of several floors, it is recommended to create a Shopfloor for each floor in Halocline. This way you can make better use of functions such as storing a 2D layout and maintain a smooth display even as planning progresses.
In the following we will show you how to create and import a new shopfloor and how to make changes to an existing one.
- Create Shopfloor & structure it by workspaces: Create Shopfloor
- Integrate existing 2D layouts: Import 2D template
- Import hall as 3D model: Import hall data
- Manage data: Desktop - Getting Started
- Import Shopfloor: Importing Data